Quick start
After installing, direct your browser to the correct IP address (this depends on your installation mode and used settings) and log in with the following credentials:
- Username: admin
- Password: roda
With this you will have access to all features.
Then you can start using RODA:
- Go to Catalogue and click the button NEW, select Dublin Core and fill the title of your new collection.
- Go to Ingest > Transfer and upload files (e.g. PDF) or SIPs made by RODA-in. SIPs will have metadata while PDFs wont. To know how to use RODA-in watch the tutorials.
- After upload, select the SIPs or files to ingest on the checkbox and click the button PROCESS on the sidebar under the section Ingest.
- Now configure the ingest workflow, select the SIP format, if you upload a file select Uploaded file/folder, if you uploaded a SIP select the SIP format (E-ARK or Bagit).
- Under the Parent Object you can select the new collection you created above.
- After configuring ingest click the CREATE button.
- Now ingest will start and you can see the status of it at Ingest > Process, you can also inspect the status by clicking the table row.
- When finished you can go to Catalogue or Search to find your new ingested content.